Account Settings
How can I cancel my PRO subscription?
The cancellation process depends on where you subscribed. Follow the steps below:
- Open App Store App
- Navigate to Account (tap on your profile)
- Subscriptions → Select Meco subscription
- Tap cancel subscription
- Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
- Tap on your profile icon in the top right corner.
- Select "Payments & subscriptions" from the menu → subscriptions
- Select Meco subscription → Tap cancel subscription
Web Reader
- Open Meco Web Reader
- Go to Settings → Help & Support
- Click 'Manage PRO subscription'
- This will take you to Stripe where you can manage or cancel your PRO subscription
How can I revert newsletters back to my inbox?
It’s easy to move your newsletters back to your inbox if you ever need to.
- To revert all newsletters back to your inbox:
- Meco Settings
- Connected Mailboxes
- Select your mailbox
- Select ‘Disconnect from Meco’
- To move specific newsletters back to your inbox:
- Senders section
- Tap on three dots of the newsletter
- select “Move sender to inbox”
How can I remove my data and delete my account?
To permanently delete your account and data, follow these steps.
On the Web App
- Go to Settings
- Scroll to the bottom
- Delete Account
On iOS & Android
- Open Settings
- Go to Help & Support
- Delete Account
Before deleting your account, make sure to disconnect any integrated mailboxes (Gmail or Outlook). If you have a PRO subscription, don’t forget to cancel to avoid future charges.