Account Settings

How can I cancel my PRO subscription?

The cancellation process depends on where you subscribed. Follow the steps below:


  1. Open App Store App
  2. Navigate to Account (tap on your profile)
  3. Subscriptions → Select Meco subscription
  4. Tap cancel subscription


  1. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on your profile icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select "Payments & subscriptions" from the menu → subscriptions
  4. Select Meco subscription → Tap cancel subscription

Web Reader

  1. Open Meco Web Reader
  2. Go to Settings → Help & Support
  3. Click 'Manage PRO subscription'
  4. This will take you to Stripe where you can manage or cancel your PRO subscription

How can I revert newsletters back to my inbox?

It’s easy to move your newsletters back to your inbox if you ever need to.

  • To revert all newsletters back to your inbox:
    1. Meco Settings
    2. Connected Mailboxes
    3. Select your mailbox
    4. Select ‘Disconnect from Meco’
  • To move specific newsletters back to your inbox:
    1. Senders section
    2. Tap on three dots of the newsletter
    3. select “Move sender to inbox”

How can I remove my data and delete my account?

To permanently delete your account and data, follow these steps.

On the Web App

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Scroll to the bottom
  3. Delete Account

On iOS & Android

  1. Open Settings
  2. Go to Help & Support
  3. Delete Account

Before deleting your account, make sure to disconnect any integrated mailboxes (Gmail or Outlook). If you have a PRO subscription, don’t forget to cancel to avoid future charges.



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