Inbox Integration

How the Integration Works

What is the inbox integration?

In Meco you can connect up to three Gmail or Outlook inboxes to instantly add and consolidate your existing newsletters to Meco while simultaneously decluttering your inbox.

How do I set up the integration?

If you’re not signed up to Meco you’ll have the option to connect your inbox when onboarding. Simply follow the prompts to bring your newsletters into Meco.

If you’re already a user

  1. Go to Meco Settings
  2. Connected Mailboxes
  3. Select Gmail or Outlook integration
  4. Choose the newsletters to add to Meco

Inbox integration is a feature available to PRO users.

Why do you request permissions when connecting a Gmail or Outlook account?

When connecting your Gmail or Outlook account to Meco, we request some permissions to surface your current newsletters in Meco. Added newsletters will skip your inbox and be added to a Meco label/folder, instantly decluttering your inbox. You can disconnect your inbox and revert newsletters back to normal at any time. More info on privacy & security of your emails.

Where do my newsletters go?

Any newsletters you add to Meco will automatically skip your inbox and be stored in a Meco label/folder within your email account. This ensures you don’t see them twice while keeping your inbox clutter-free.

  • All past issues of selected newsletters will be moved to the Meco label to instantly declutter your inbox.
  • All future issues of those newsletters will be filtered into Meco for a seamless reading experience going forward.

You’re always in control— if you want to move back to your inbox you can revert everything back at any time.

How do I add existing or new newsletters?

Existing newsletters

When setting up your inbox integration, Meco detects your current newsletters, and allows you to select which to add. You can also search your inbox for newsletters you may have overlooked:

  1. Open Meco
  2. Go to Senders
  3. Add Newsletters by Search

New newsletters

Keep subscribing to newsletters as usual using your inbox email address. Meco will detect new subscriptions and next time you open the app, you’ll get the option to add them to Meco.

What happens if I delete a newsletter in Meco?

Deleting a newsletter in Meco also deletes it from your email account.

How can I revert newsletters back to my inbox?

It’s easy to move your newsletters back to your inbox if you ever need to.

To revert all newsletters back to your inbox

  1. Go to Meco Settings
  2. Connected Mailboxes
  3. Select your mailbox
  4. Select ‘Disconnect from Meco’

To move specific newsletters back to your inbox

  1. Senders section
  2. Tap on three dots of the newsletter
  3. Select “Move sender to inbox”

You’re always in control, and you can reconnect anytime!


Inbox Integration


Inbox Integration

Privacy & Security Practices

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