Inbox Integration

Privacy & Security Practices

Meco protects your privacy

Meco was built with privacy and security at its core. From how our integration works to the industry-leading protocols we follow, everything is designed to keep your data safe.

How are my emails kept secure?

Your emails are stored locally on your personal device and never leave it. We never process or sell your email data. Meco is a Google Verified application and undergoes regular third-party security audits to ensure we are in compliance with our privacy policy. This is the same process followed by third-party email apps like Superhuman, Spark, and Outlook.

Does Meco sell personal data?

No. Selling data is a firm no for us. Here’s why:

  1. Only you have access to your data. It's all stored locally on your personal device.
  2. Our business model is optional paid subscriptions, meaning we’re incentivized to create an incredible experience for you, including maximizing your privacy and security.

What aspects of my data are collected?

We don't store your emails. For your privacy, your emails are stored locally on your personal device so never leave your phone or computer. We collect only minimal usage data and the list of publishers you’re subscribed to. This helps us ensure a great overall experience for you. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.


Inbox Integration

How the integration works?

Meco Inbox Email
